- Company Name
- Grasseeds Inc.
- Head office location
- 107-0062
Barbizon104, 6F, 5-4-27 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
- Establishment
- January 2005
- Business content
- Restaurant management
- Sales of alcoholic beverages
- Mail order sales of alcoholic beverages
- Import and sale of alcoholic beverages
- Interior construction business
- investment business
- Publishing industry
- Various information provision services using the Internet
- Planning, manufacturing, and sales of apparel products and jewelry
- Comprehensive indoor and outdoor art production project attached to buildings
- Planning, production, manufacturing, sales, rental, and import/export of music software and video software
- Sales and import/export of health foods
- Planning and production of various events
- Planning and production related to advertisements and promotions
- Consulting services related to the previous items
- All operations incidental to the preceding items
- Capital
- 30,000,000 yen
- Kotaro Shiba
- Risk Consultant